Thursday 15 April 2010

Mark Watson's Ten Year Self-Improvement Challenge (and me)

Hello, chaps and chapesse (based on current followers).

I've been a little lazy with this in recent days, since I've been alternately jetting around the country and trying to write the twenty thousand words of philosophy I need to get together by May if I'm to receive a degree. However, I'm just popping on to tell you about something that comedian, writer and all-round good egg Mark Watson is up to and which I think it's well worth getting involved with.

Earlier in the year, Mark did some quite grown-up things in a shortish space of time - turned thirty, acquired a baby, all that good stuff. One of the things he did was decide to try and keep a blog every day for a decade, which is a fairly lofty ambition. Some of his other plans for the decade were lumped into a pile which he decided to regard as a Ten Year Self-Improvement Challenge or TYSIC, and he rather endearingly decided to throw the option of TYSICing one's life open to any- and everyone who follows him on Twitter or so on. The only requirement was that you should register what you're trying to do, and then get on with it.

Needless to say, I put in my two penn'orth in the form of a commitment to be making my living writing facile shit like this in a decade's time, having just been published by the London Student and feeling generally pretty positive about the whole zeitgeist-straddling thing I aspire to have going on. Since then, I have made approximately fuck-all progress with this ambition - my main attempt so far has been a hugely effort-intensive application to work for the Dave channel, which crashed and burnt in an unpleasantly undignified fashion.

BUT. I thought that if I wittered briefly on here about the TYSIC, I'd have more of an incentive to keep writing and actually give the whole thing some welly. So with that in mind, I'm basically putting my future career in your hands - please douse me with criticism and praise in quantities you find appropriate and at intervals which do not greatly impede your social lives, and if you think there's something I could be doing which I'm not then for heavens' sake tell me. Max, Becky, Jonny, Will and the one chap I don't actually know in real life (hi!), the ball's in your court. Which collectively means in Kensington, Notting Hill, Oxford, Islington and somewhere else, so that could take some co-ordination.

More blogs soon. Promise.

J x

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