Thursday, 1 April 2010

Lynx vs. Specsavers

Christ alive, not another tedious Lynx advert... ooh!

Specsavers have done an absolutely cracking job with this, I think. As soon as it began playing (shortly ahead of Come Dine With Me, which always puts me in a critical mood) I started badmouthing the boring, predictable Lynx adverts with their bottom-feeder target demographic, and Specsavers kept up the pretence of being frightfully common deodorant vendors (right down to having a topless twat with twin spraycans held akimbo, which is apparently the latest Lynx gimmick) until the last three shots.

I can't imagine it'll get them a single new customer, but the tens of thousands of pounds that must have gone on location, aerial shots and two hundred girls with their vitals swinging in the breeze were entirely well-spent if all they achieved were some pissed off ad men at Lynx HQ. Some tiny, petty, stupid victories are worth any price.

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