Saturday, 27 February 2010

Blogging. Properly, now.

In the last two days I've had a bit of an epiphany, which is always nice. I decided to write an article for a prominent student paper, which I've never done before, and the lovely people who decide these things have seen fit to publish it. As the genesis of this odd little blog (I was going to write 'corner of the blogosphere', but I don't want to be the sort of person who says 'blogosphere' any more than I want to start saying 'sleb' just because Stephen Fry does) demonstrates, I've been writing for my own phenomenally low-rent college paper (that's the college and the paper) for a little while, but this is a completely different bucket of crabs. On Monday, at least ten thousand people will have the chance to scribble on paper copies of my musings, and a whole world will be able to leave caustic comments on whichever dusty corner of the above website is appropriate.

So, there it is. I'm going to be a writer now. If anyone's reading this, I'll publish my first article on here as soon as it's gone up on the paper's own website. I think it's quite good, but I'll be hugely grateful for anything constructive that you can fling at me via the comment system.

I'm also active on Twitter as @J_Marcel, so go there too if you fancy.

Thanks x

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